Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Oppressed Seamen

People Assignments
Everyone research your figure and know them well.

Alex- Joseph McCarthy
Andrew- Louis Armstrong
LeeAnn- Edison
Jerry- Madison/Jefferson
Allyson- Rosa Parks
Yasmin- Eleanor Roosevelt
Elizabeth- Lee/Schwarzkopf
Boris- Hemingway, Teddy Roosevelt

Madison & Franklin

Rosa Parks

Eleanor Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt




Louis Armstrong

Joseph McCarthy


  1. Although Franklin is praised as a Founding Father of America, that wasn't the only Father roles he had. Franklin is known as a womanizer having a child out of wedlock before his wedding in 1730. His flirtatious attributes led to affairs with women. This is not a good moral lifestyle resembled in the time by Puritans. This mysterious lifestyle also translated into his inventions. Franklin is credited with discovering lightning as electricity however, the French proved his theory about electricity one month before Franklin conducted the kite experiment in 1972. Franklin also received credit for creating street lights. He put in better street lights for Philadelphia but other cities already were using street lights. Franklin's inventions were improvements and he is receiving too much credit. Do you really believe a womanizer is one of the most influential Americans? Is that how we want our country portrayed under a scandalous lifestyle?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thomas Edison is not the most influential American. Many of his most influential inventions, such as the light bulb, were actually the work of many different inventors, from whom Edison borrowed (or stole depending on what source you are referring to) crucial ideas that helped him and his team of researchers complete it. Edison promoted the image of himself as the sole inventor because it made it easier to obtain patents. All inventing work at the time was not the result of any one individual, but of many individuals developing and improving upon ideas over time. Edison also opposed inventions and advancements when they conflicted with his own views, out of pride or ignorance. The most famous example is the alternating current direct current debate, in which Edison tried to prove that AC was dangerous by publicly electrocuting cats and dogs. Although Edison did have a lasting impact on the technological world, his advancements were not exclusively his, and mostly improved on previous inventor's work, so he is not one of the most influential Americans.

  4. It's hard to imagine Joseph McCarthy being considered influential to America in a good way. McCarthy was one of the most ruthless men in history yes but he did more bad than good for the country. Even as a first term senator he appeared before the Ohio County Women's Republican Club and claimed to know 205 members of the communist party. He stood in front of this club and lied for there was no proof found by the senate subcommittee to support his claims. His tactics were obviously dissaproved of by his democratic and republican colleagues. In his hearings he blatantly violated the civil rights of those he was investigating and despite lack of proof, more than 2,000 government employees lost their jobs because of him. The Army-McCarthy hearings were the last straw and by that point he lost any followers he had remaining. There is no way McCarthy can be a positive influence on America, he disregarded civil rights and acted without proof.

  5. Madison wasn't influential as he engaged in unnecessary war, abandoned his Federalist principles, and was a cruel slave holder unprogressive in Emancipation. After too much impressment of American seamen, Madison asked Congress to declare war against Britain beginning the War of 1812 or Mr Madison's war. Britain managed to March on Washington and burn D.C. The war ended in 1814 with a stalemate at the Treaty of Ghent returning to the previous boundaries before the war. Thanks Madison your weak war skills are reflected in your height 5'4 and a whopping 100 pounds. Mr. Madison also claims to support the Constitution through his Federalist Papers promoting a strong central government, strong national bank, and taxes. Adams abandoned these principles and became a democratic- republican as he wanted state power within banks and little industry. Madison was slow in progress for the Emancipation of slaves as was a cruel slave holder not freeing his slaves. He believed in the cruelty of slavery and wanted slow emancipation. However, he did not set a good example for America as he continued to own slaves and promote the practice. You are a phony Madison.
